Conversation Between Lawliet1 and Groteske

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  1. hehe you stated it.
    I'm nice.I use to be too nice and was easily taken advantage of.That was my first dose of the nature of people.Some of them are lions lurking and waiting for sheep.

    When i defend myself out of anger i then become the bad guy its happened so many times lol...I literally have no family except my dad everyone else is pretty much dead to me (emotionally).

    And about problems,I do find comfort in talking about them but im the kind of person that likes to nick my problems at the root rather then vent about them,Or ignore them completely.
  2. I know how it feels to be let down. I spend a lot of my time in suicide chatrooms talking to other people who understand me better then others who haven't endured the pain I have. If you ever want to talk about stuff I am always here...usually anyways. :3

    You are a very nice guy and I really don't get why anyone would want to hurt you.
  3. Pretty much.

    I'm not very close to to many people.I deal with everything on my own.You can only be hurt if someone is close enough to you to do it.

    I have trusted many and been let down by most.
  4. Well you're stronger then I am. >< But eh that bottled up thing is bad! Why do you do it? No one to share problems with?
  5. Haha I'm just a guy whos endured enough pain to know that when faced with the options of happiness or misery,Happiness is the healthiest choice.

    Im not going to give anyone in this world my happiness or my peace.Its mine,i deserve it,I fought for it and its to share with those i choose to share it with.Im not so tough though I can break down rather easily since i keep all my problems bottled up.
  6. Wow you sound like a strong man! Perhaps...if it's alright......and your cave is big enough. I could maybe sleep inside? lulz
  7. Thats always a complicated question for me to answer.

    Yes,considering the circumstances life is good.I have strong mental scars myself.

    But they don't define me and I don't let them rule me.I have a strong sense of identity,I know who i am and what i want to be.Having this will make any obstacle you face a small bump.
  8. Well it is very nice of you to care about others. ^^ And hmm how are you feeling right now? About life and everything, is everything ok?
  9. Sorry to switch it up lol Don't think im crazy.

    But I can't stand to see someone say they hate themselves it really bothers me.

    I always try to help someone when i can Its in my nature to do so.
  10. haha Stop talking like that! It's crazy. Bring back the old strange Lawliet that I love.

    But yeah I suppose some of what you've said is right. My existance isn't completely miserable but I'm just too messed up to be happy and my mind is to screwed up to be normal plus with BP it's harder for me to keep my feeling quiet and hush hush. Sometimes when I have a urge I can't stop myself from doing it...even if it's terrible....and even if I feel guilty forever afterwards.

    But aww you're really sweet! ^^ Thanks for uh sharing emotions with me.
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