
  • Information

  • Developer:

  • Genres:
    Sci-Fi, Shooter

  • Category:

  • Platforms:

Evolvation is a space-based arena shooter designed for PC, with hopes to launch on Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in the future. Developed by a small independent team, Evolvation offers class-based spaceship combat with six degrees of freedom.


Always Engaging: Small, focused arenas mean players will generally encounter each other within 30 seconds or less.

Customization: Players can buy new spaceships, and customize them with weapons, engines, computers, and additional options.

High End Graphics: Evolvation can support 4k resolutions, while keeping the game playable for everyone - even on low system specs.

Environmental Damage: Areas of the maps may provide additional damage due to heat or debris, and players who try to flee the arena by reaching the map's boundary will be shot.

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